Do you think an empty space in web design can attract peoples? You think it may be funny! Generally, an empty space has no values and it is waste of spaces.

market research

You pass this question to a web designer! They will give you hundreds of meaning and values for this empty space. Yes, these empty spaces are called WHITESPACES. Some peoples refer it as “NEGATIVE SPACES”.

In this blog, you are going to read about the use of whitespaces in web design. As told above, it is just an empty leftover space. A web design can attract people through its color, images, and fonts. Even whitespaces have the same capacity to gets attraction from people. How?

The white spaces can be filed with contents or images but why they are left over by the web designers? The whitespaces are the spaces where no print is done, while other spaces have prints like content or images or others. These whitespaces do not have the capacity to print anything while you try to type anything on it. The two mainly used whitespaces characters are

Carriage returns

Tab space Whitespaces are referred to be space between words, space between letters, space in the edge, margin spaces, padding around pictures and text blocks, etc.

Is there any rule that whitespaces should be white in color? NO Whitespace color is the background color of the web page. If the background color is red, then whitespace color also is red.

Use of many whitespaces in the front page causes the sorting of content. If there is lengthy content to be loaded on the front page, automatically reduces the whitespaces. Then the front page will become clumsy and peoples do not strain to view such a clumsy page. To step up the people’s curiosity, just need to add the important and attractive contents with whitespaces in the front page which leaves them to scroll down for the next or inner page where the whole story is held.

Few contents and many whitespaces may look like simplicity. However people like simple and clear contents. The whitespaces in your web design bring you many advantages.

Easily grabs attention Speeding up interaction Less content is sufficient Web page looks clear

Reduces stress on reading There are still many reasons behind whitespaces. Have a practical test on the whitespaces and do some research on it. Then you come to know about the value of empty space. How it makes sense in web designs.