Facing high competition!
You know, lead generation can improve sales productivity. In general think about “generation”, which means creation. The word itself says something positive. Simply saying Lead is a person/customer for any product. In another side, each data in the database also referred as leads. Good lead generation can definitely increase your productivity.But, how?Initially, two things needed for a Product – Marketing and Sales. Marketing can provide a clear opinion about the product and makes way for sales. If the sales increase, automatically production also gets increases. In lead generation, you must have a database of leads. These leads can be collected from websites, social media like facebook, twitter, etc. Now you are having all the facilities through the internet. But think of olden days. They must step into each door for their sale. Lead generation experts are available for creating such enormous database.Can every lead buy the product? I say No!Some leads don’t need the product and some may need after few days and some need immediately. Likewise, their needs vary. Can you avoid the leads that do not need the product? Do you? This can decrease your productivity. Tell you why. The leads which do not need today may need tomorrow. Yes, if you have the contact again you can approach them now. You can use signal detection. When a lead is ready to buy, there are digital buy signals that indicate sales-readiness. Salespeople get alerted when a signal is transmitted, such as opening a time-sensitive email or submitting a web form. Otherwise, you can continually nurture them to ensure that they move through the sales funnel when the time is right. Already they have purchased, so what. Encourage them for another purchase. If the company is having 100 leads, only 20 leads can buy. And rest leads can make buying from above-said methods. Hence, leads generation surely increase your productivity.